Childhood allergies and fast-food

The news this week is reporting a recent large-scale study (Ellwood et al.,2012) linking junk-food and childhood asthma and eczema.  Over the past four decades, the prevalence of asthma and eczema has markedly increased in Westernized countries and countries...

Introduction to Herbal Medicine Workshops

If you’re interested in finding out about how you can easily use plant remedies in everyday life, book a place on this series of workshops which cover a wide range of simple applications of herbal medicine for common conditions.

Routine aspirin ‘may cause harm’

In the news currently is an article about the potential harm of taking aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke. An analysis of more than 100,000 patients, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, concluded the risk of internal bleeding was too high to take...

New Treatment for Liver Failure

An interesting report in the news at the moment is the story of the baby boy who’s failing liver has recovered following implantation of liver cells. As a herbalist, this strikes a chord, as it is an example of a conventional medical approach that achieves...