My Philosophy: There are many signs that Western society has lost touch with all that the natural world has to offer. For example, do you know people who have lost touch with which season different foods are harvested in this country? Humans are part of the natural world and our relationship with nature is fundamental to health and well-being. I find that so many people are looking for a gentle and effective way of managing their health and may be unclear about the options available. I am passionate about re-introducing the healing and nurturing power of plants as medicine into everyday life.
Qualifications: My qualifications that relate to practice as a medical herbalist are a professional doctorate (PrD) in healthcare practice from the University of Central Lancashire, a first class honours degree and MSc in herbal medicine. I am a member of the Institute of Medical Herbalists, the UK’s foremost organisation of qualified medical herbalists ( My doctoral research investigated the practice of UK herbalists and their relationship to research and research-based herbal products. Some of my findings have been published in the Journal of Herbal Medicine.
Prior to starting my herbal training in 2006, I was a chemistry teacher; my first degree was an MA in chemistry from Cambridge University and my interest in health initially led to an MSc in medicinal chemistry with the Open University.
Where I practice: I offer consultations from my practice in Allerton and home visits in the Liverpool area. See Contact page to speak to or email me.
Hobbies and other activities: I try to live a life as close to nature as I can and enjoy allotmenting, cycling, walking, healthy cooking, community work and sharing my love of herbs through workshops and talks.